Daniel Kahneman on The Machinery of the Mind
Mar 6, 2013 by Sushi Bird
Jan 28, 2013 by Sushi Bird
Every year when the year starts, Japanese hang up these decorations on their doors, and I just think they are adorable. Here is a small collection from my neighborhood.
Jan 28, 2013 by Sushi Bird
The wall in my toilet. I have learned a thing or two here.
sushi + ankimo
shishamo + fried chicken
potato-pie hokkaido style + christmas lights in Tokyo
typical izakaya-food on a typical evening.
And we have to love the English education on Japanese TV.
Jan 28, 2013 by Sushi Bird
Lots of pictures from fall 2012. I played around with a new apple product and took pictures of my face.
I drank coffee from classical cups and walked around Bergen in the freezing cold weather right before the snow fell.
Dromedar, Misjonen and Blom. The holy tri-force
Food at Jacob’s and chrismas lights up in the trees.
Homemade dinner with salmon, and the 4th floor in the Tokyo apartment.
Kanji that I had to remember + cheese and wine and crackers.
More dinner, I ate a lot of salmon last fall.
Shrimp and crab and wine with M.
Wine + M’s new lamp + my new hair + birthday gift.
Jan 16, 2013 by Sushi Bird
Happy new year! I have been super-busy preparing for the next couple of months and working, but I am happy. Hope you all will have a great 2013!
Dec 23, 2012 by Sushi Bird
Time for another small update! (Apologizes for all the mobile pictures recently, they just kind of piled up, all of a sudden. I got a new iPod, so I got a little bit trigger happy, I guess!) In the picture above, I went to visit my budgie. He has a new lovely home with nice parents, and I hadn’t seen him for a while, so a visit was well overdue. He is still hanging in there, even though he is probably 850 years old in budgie-years.
new shoes / old eggs
oooold pages from a notebook
sushi the cat posing / wine and cookies
mmm! sushi!
old little things discovered in a box.
…and a lovely cappuccino at Dromedar to brighten a cold and slushy day.
Dec 20, 2012 by Sushi Bird
I took some quick snapshots with my phone from some of the pages in my Moleskine. I swear, this sketch book and me are not made for each other. I have been trying to fill out this book for 2 years, and I still have 35 pages left. I have no idea, but when I buy a Moleskine, I can tell instantly when I start drawing in it if it is going to be easy or hard to fill the book up. The easy ones takes approximately 3 months to fill out. The hard ones – like this one – is currently at 2+ years and counting. In any case – real pictures will come when the book is completed. At this rate, it will be within a year. Jeez.
Dec 18, 2012 by Sushi Bird
I made an illustration portfolio. Yay! You can see it here. The text is in Japanese, but what is important is the rest of the content, right?
Dec 18, 2012 by Sushi Bird
First of, I just wanted to show this awesome video: “Skype Me Maybe” – sung in 30+ languages by 17 polyglots! Super inspirational!
Now, onto another set of language-related links. Most of them are about – surprise, surprise – Japanese, but there is also some Norwegian, French and general language links mentioned.
And here is a bonus video: 日本人が知らない日本語. Funny drama in Japanese, about Japanese. The Swedish girl’s Japanese accent cracks me up every time.