My friend’s friend asked me if I could be a makeup-model, and I thought it sounded like fun to get my makeup all done for free, so of course I said yes. It was a lot of fun, and since I never do my own makeup with these kinds of colors it was nice to see a different look than what I usually go for. I tend to lean to browns, making it darker around the globe-line, but the way the makeup was done today was nothing like what I put on myself, but it actually looked a lot better than what I would have thought to begin with. I had to take a couple of pictures myself to document the whole thing, so here they are. I am not sure which of the color schemes I like the best, in real life I actually like the blue/yellow, but when I see the photographs I tend to lean for the pinkish style. Which one is better?
There has been some beautiful sunsets the latest days, so I snapped a couple of pictures with the iPhone. I wish I had brought my big camera along, but mobile snapshots are better than nothing.
Good morning beautiful people! Today is an awesome morning, for the following reasons:
1. I was up before 9, on a holiday!
2. Golden week has started, I have one lovely lucious week off from school!
3. I am spending my morning listening to oldies like the one in the video clip above, drinking coffee and enjoying the beautiful weather.
Forgot to post this yesterday. Probably because I am not happy with it at all, but I only had a couple of minutes, and the whole point of this project was to produce more stuff and not be so god damn afraid of a perfect end result. Oh well, better luck today… You can download the papers that I have used for this here, I just uploaded them to DA.
Good morning! So far this morning I have been efficient as a little raccoon, I got up at 6:30 and started doing homework. Let’s see if I can keep it up until 12:00! Drinking coffee and listening to songs like the one above, it is a good morning. Have a wonderful day so far!
Finally! A post with the beautiful cherry blossoms from Japan. The season is already almost over here, but it was beautiful for the short weeks it lasted.
The internet is funny. There are these fads going around the internet, like right now, these paper stars, and I am starting to wonder if there is this general consciousness that a lot of people share between them. Binka often posts videos and inspirational things I have seen just days or weeks before, Caroline Maria just started posting about these paper stars last week, while I have been having a small glass on my desk folding them for weeks now between homework. Where does this commonness come from? I know sometimes people complain about other people copying them and whatnot, but after years of being overprotective of my work, I have just come to the conclusion that “nothing is original”, “do what you like”, “just do it” because “we all have one common mind” anyway. This is the way it works. We are one big family inspiring others and being inspired ourselves.
I am not a gadget girl at all, so I am not into a lot of expensive gear and equipment, and I have always had Nikon cameras privately and I am used to them. At my first full time photography job 7 years ago, we had Canon cameras to work, and since the lenses twist the opposite way than on the Nikon, I was always a bit annoyed with that. The other thing with Canon cameras is the wheel on the back of them. I prefer the four arrows on the Nikons, I find them a lot easier to navigate than a wheel. But I guess it all comes down to what you like and what you are used to… I was happy when I started my next job at a photo studio that had Nikon cams. I did not have to readjust my mind between the work cams and my private cameras.
Another thing is that when I shoot jobs, I shoot in RAW, but when I just take snapshots for myself, I have shot in JPEG fine to save a bit of space. Now that harddrives have gotten so much cheaper I have considered shooting in RAW all the time. Obviously I know the pros and cons of shooting RAW and JPEG. I think it is nice that I can alter the image before opening it in Photoshop and so forth with the RAW files, but I guess a small part of me thinks that I should take a decent enough picture the first time around to not have to change all the settings and adjust it before opening the image up to edit it. I am a bit torn on this. Maybe it is time to stop choosing the next best thing just to save a little bit of space.
I have kind of gone the opposite way of most other people, I was lucky and got great jobs as a photographer when I was young, and now photography has gone from being my job and my absolute passion to a hobby. Today I do not put the same time and effort into my pictures as I used to do, but I am still having fun with it, and I enjoy my hobby. I guess the main difference is that before I took pictures because I wanted to create beautiful pictures. Now I just take pictures to show off my beautiful life. I am not sure I will seek out work in the photography industry again, because, lets face it, it is a shitty industry with tons of hard work. I always felt I was putting in 10 times as much effort as the results I got back. I think one of the coolest things about working as a photographer was to tell other people you were a photographer and know with yourself that you are a paid photographer. But the truth is – the real daily life consisted of long days and a lot of hard work.
I have a couple of photography-related questions for you guys, I would love it if you guys would take a minute and answer:
1. Do you think that the type of people who shoot with Canon cameras are different to the people shooting with Nikon cameras?
2. What camera and other equpitment would you choose if money was no problem at all?
3. When you shoot, do you usually shot RAW-files or JPEG-files?