I guess I have a tiny unhealthy habit when it comes to Eurovision, and I loved Patricia Kaas with her song “S’il Fallait Le Faire” and I can not believe she did not get more votes back in Eurovision of 2009. I guess it is kind of boring for a Eurovision song, but the quality of the song is wonderful. I also think it takes a lot of guts these days to just send a single woman out on stage in a black dress and no fancy stage-show. She’s got amazing charisma. I wish I knew French so I could have written this little passage in French and better understood the lyrics of her song as well.
When I got home from my classes today, there was a small parcel waiting in the mailbox for me. The front of the envelope was even written in Japanese, so that made it even more exciting. It was my awesome creative friend from sortenke.no who had taken the time to actually send me something for Christmas! She had even written on the envelope in Japanese, even though she has never studied Japanese. (Ok, so she studies Chinese, but still!) The content was just what I needed right about now.
Inside there was an incredibly long letter in the form of a book. (I blurred the text a little bit here, but wow – it was like 10 – 12 double pages like the ones in the picture above.) I don’t think I have received such a long letter in a long, long time, and it made me so happy to see that it is still possible to compose a letter, even with all kinds of chats and IM and facebook-accounts.
The package also had all kinds of other awesome stuff, notice the awesome post-it-notes in the shape of a floppy-disc!
Time alone in a coffee shop with pens and time to draw.
Bestis! ♥ And her coffee.
Norwegian coffee.
Open spaces with room to breathe.
Pretty cutlery, just for fun.
Fat, cute Norwegian pigeons trying to stay warm.
Going to the aquarium and take pictures of the various underwater creatures.
I am still really happy where I am though, most of all I just wish I had a little more time, just a little more time to experience everything around me, a little more time to waste, a little more time to appreciate everything I’ve got. I don’t think I have been bored in over 10 years, there is still so much to see, do and love.
If you have seen Lost in Translation, this is the crossing that was in the film. It actually looks smaller in real life than what I had imagined it would look like from the movie.
I’ve had some super days including alcohol and good friends for the past two days, so a little behind with posting on the blog here. Will fix that right now, hope you are all having a wonderful week so far!
I am not sure I have mentioned it or not, but a lot of the restaurants have plastic food on display in their windows.
The plastic sushi looks niiice, I almost dropped by to eat sushi before classes, but managed to contain myself.
Lots of good lunch-deals to be seen!
“Please wait”. I feel that is all I am doing these days.
Yeah baby! I could use some more glam in my life.
This is the little temple right next to my school. Apparently the god for gambling resides in this little temple. Very fitting, since there is a lot of pachinko-parlors around this area.
After school, I spent some much needed time (or at least two hours) with good friends at an izakaya nearby. Nice Friday! ♥
I have an ongoing romance with the internet. It has been lasting for over ten years, and I am constantly falling in love all over again. One of the things I love about the internet – is that it can be accessed from most places in the world, so it doesn’t matter if I am in the US or in Norway or in Japan – the internet looks the same. It feels like home to me.
Over my years on the internet, sometimes cute little things have even showed up in my physical mailbox at home. At couple of years ago, this beautiful necklace showed up in my mailbox, an internet friend had read that I wanted it, and he had actually bought it for me, and sent it to me in the mail. I love how the internet makes room for meeting people and new friends that you would have never encountered without it. How random people show random acts of kindness. When I found these pictures in my archive again, I just felt happy, and I wanted to say thanks Guav!
These were in my windowsill in my old apartment, and even though they are completely useless, I still liked looking over at them every now and again. I am very bad at keeping anything without a practical purpose (I feel a huge urge to dispose of anything that I can not utilize), but I was always very good at making things without a practical purpose.
I am not sure I mentioned it or not, but I made a page here on the blog for some of the various handmade things I have made over the past couple of years, you can find it here: http://sushibird.com/handmade/
Ok ok ok. So I am a little bit behind these days. Behind on my homework, behind on the housework, behind on planning my future. I will just take a deep breath though, and trying to convince myself that I am in fact – not drowning, I am just hibernating a little bit inside my head, and hopefully all of my thoughts will come out and manifest themselves as well planned actions within the next couple of weeks.