Jun 10, 2014 by Sushi Bird
(I bought three pairs while I was at it.)
Apr 22, 2014 by Sushi Bird
Little things. Picking up the camera again for the first time in months. Filling up the moleskine. Drawing on something else than cheap copy paper. Bought a new garment for the first time in 6 months. Played around with camera raw settings to emulate classic film exposures. Trying to breathe and make space for myself.
Dec 10, 2013 by Sushi Bird
Hello hello! Here are some lost pictures from the cellphone! Above, a good makeup day and a chu-hi, plum flavor.
The mikans were green back in october. Now they have turned orange, and ready to be picked and eaten. Not that I have really seen anyone pick and eat them. I wonder if it is because they grow everywhere in abundance here? Right – curry near the sumo turnament back in September. Butter chicken is never wrong.
Left; Clear autumn sunsets are always a treat to a girl used to rain, rain rain. Right – overgrown aircondition units are always a charm.
Left; high school students on the way to class. Right; tired people on the way home from work on the train.
Sushi, sushi, sushi, and a little bit of health and beauty drinks. With alcohol, of course.
Left; quick manicure. Right; more commute. The 25 min train ride feels longer when you are pushed up against the windows.
Left and right; another decent makeup day.
Left; strange but surprisingly good gyoza with blue cheese filling in Yotsuya. Right; same place in Yotsuya, the resturant was a mixture of german and chinese..? Lamb and spicy pork sausage with a Chinese style sauerkraut.
Left; the halls and corridors of some of the buildings at campus can easily be confused with a prison. Right; I caught the 120th cold of the season. Waiting for quick recovery.
Left; ramen. Nothing to call home about. Right; plastic sushi in a window in Shinjuku-sanchome.
Left; comfort food. Right; almost raw chicken liver. Pretty decent, but pretty liver-tasting as well. If you like Norwegian leverpostei, you will like this. If you don’t, you are probably best to stay away from this paticular dish. Below; a metro map of Tokyo, and the view from somewhere between Akabanebashi and Tamachi, close to Mita.
Aug 15, 2013 by Sushi Bird
I saw these amazing pieces of jewelry from Sparkle Beast Designs, and I just had to share. Aren’t they magical? I want one.
Jul 27, 2013 by Sushi Bird
It’s Saturday. But I forgot to post this on Thursday, and I am in holiday-mode, so I am posting it now instead. I was looking through the archive, and I can not believe it has been five years since this picture was taken. Jeez. Time flies. I guess five years have left me with less eye makeup and less lipstick.
Jul 14, 2013 by Sushi Bird
Look at what I took home from the shop a couple of weeks back! I have been looking for the perfect wallet for a year, and I finally ended up with this one. I love when you buy something, and you end up liking it even more after you bought it than when you wanted it in the first place. Score!
Jul 14, 2013 by Sushi Bird
One more thing I can add to my list of small things that make me happy: My shoes have tassels!
Jun 6, 2013 by Sushi Bird
I finally went shopping today. I have been putting it of for months. I got a neat bag to carry with me to the gym, new ballerina flats, both from GQ.
The whole lot! Two bags, one pair of ballerina flats, a white Moleskine I have been eyeing for months, new pastel gel pens and an adorable new cover for my phone with Moomin on it, closeup of the cover in the picture below.
Mar 14, 2013 by Sushi Bird
Jeg har kjøpt ny sminke, og et nytt sett med linser, og er veldig fornøyd. Jeg var lenge skeptisk til å forsøke linser – men jeg synes at disse satt ganske så bra! Jeg måtte krype til korset og få litt hjelp fra sidelinjen første gang jeg tok linsene av og på, men det gikk overraskende greit. Merket heter Ma*rs og fargen heter Honey Ryder, størrelsen 14.0. Jeg er ikke så veldig fan av linser i kjempestørrelser, men disse synes jeg gjorde øynene større uten at man fikk helt sånn creepy-doll-utseende. Takke meg til youtube for fine og informative videoer også – og gode tips fra kurokikki Saaank yuu!