Oct 15, 2011 by Sushi Bird
You guys have to see this amazing water clock at Osaka station! It is absolutely gorgeous. I want to go there and see it myself after new years, absolutely wonderful!
Oct 15, 2011 by Sushi Bird
You guys have to see this amazing water clock at Osaka station! It is absolutely gorgeous. I want to go there and see it myself after new years, absolutely wonderful!
Oct 11, 2011 by Sushi Bird
Just a mindless post about my new hair! Or actually, it is not entirely new, I bought it in Japan a couple of months ago, but I put it in a box when I was going back to uni now, and it finally arrived by sea mail last week! Compared to how cheap it is, it works pretty ok, especially under a hat. Homepage for brand is here: http://www.prisila.jp/. They have quite a few cute styles available, but a few of them are a bit too over the top for my taste, but I am sure other people can pull of some of these better than I.
Oct 9, 2011 by Sushi Bird
Today I am having a really lazy Sunday. I started it with a little bit of the care package I got from Japan, cup noodle with curry and cheese. I have absolutely nothing to say. It is just one of those days – where you feel like something is almost wrong, yet everything is perfectly in order. I think I have been so busy lately that I haven’t really had time to just sit down, so when I finally do the feeling of doing nothing, even if it is just for a short while – is almost overwhelming. I am not good at not doing things all the time, so I will sit down, back up the computer, read a couple of hundred pages of philosophy and organize next week. Hope you are all having a great day!
Oct 8, 2011 by Sushi Bird
Hey, remember I asked about cilantro? Project accomplished. I found cheap little plants down at Lerøy! Whuhu!
Oct 8, 2011 by Sushi Bird
Just a regular little post about my latest weeks in mobile pics. It is raining so much here, I haven’t had the opportunity to carry my big camera around.
Oct 4, 2011 by Sushi Bird
Another link list with internet goodies that I have discovered lately:
Oct 3, 2011 by Sushi Bird
A small sketch from today. I don’t really have time to draw, but I found that doodling during philosophy lectures keeps me from falling asleep. so maybe I can produce some small things and get wiser at the same time.
Oct 3, 2011 by Sushi Bird
We went on a trip to the fjords on Saturday, and we were super lucky, because it has basically been raining for the whole of September, but the weather on Saturday was amazing.
This waterfall is pretty amazing – there is a little road behind the waterfall, so you can walk under it. Not the easiest thing to photograph, but really beautiful 🙂
Oct 3, 2011 by Sushi Bird
This is what you do: You take a couple of Japanese people and stuff them in a car together with your very nice mother, and then you head for the fjords! We had a great day on Saturday, and more pictures of the actual fjords and waterfalls will be posted as soon as I have time to edit them. For now, here are a couple of shorts of yours truly + company.
Yes, it is true, Japanese people always take outrageous pictures when they are sightseeing. I was worried that they might fall in the water, but I figured they could probably swim, so I crossed my fingers and everything went fine! And they even got new pictures for their facebook profile 😉
Hiya mom!
Oct 1, 2011 by Sushi Bird
I saw a couple of these guys in front of the house. This particular picture is older, but I am pretty sure it is the same guy. It was late when I saw him and a couple of friends this time around, so I didn’t dare to approach them, because wow, they look so much bigger in real life than in pictures!
So, I guess I can conclude that September was an awful month blogging wise, but university-wise it is going grand! I hope I can find more time for this place now in October, I really miss blogging. I have gathered up at least 20 links, I just need to sit down, type them out and tell you about what makes all of my little internet finds awesome.
I feel really lucky right now – the rain was pouring down for most of the month, everything was dark and dull, but lo and behold – the sun has peaked out for the past three days in a row – and that alone is enough to make me feel happy as a bird with a french fry.
Hope you all are doing alright this autumn, hang in there even though the days get shorter. Apart from school work, I am filling my days with amazing coffee, good people and a little bit of wine. Now I am of to town to spend a couple of hours with beautiful people and gossip about our week! Cheers and g’night!