Shanghai is big and kind of crazy. A lot of people speaking very loud everywhere, and since I can not understand what they are saying they all sound so angry to me, but I bet they are just excited and happy for the most part. Yesterday we spent the day walking around the Bund in Shanghai. Semi-fancy shopping malls, with a lot of the same brands that I have seen in Norway, actually. There are far more brands here that I recognize from Norway than there is in Japan. Only, Jack and Jones, Vero Moda, sandwich_, Mango…

Our hotel room comes with an espresso machine, and the espresso was actually half-decent.

Nothing I have seen looks like a communist country (apart from the Internet censorship), but a lot of the buildings are kind of old style and almost look European to me. I guess that it is quite different than Tokyo, where they tear everything down and build it up again every 40 years or so to earthquake-proof everything. Here there is still lots of old and pretty buildings.

We ate dim sum for lunch, and the rice-dish above was really tasty. It was like mochi without the mochi.

Our hotel corridor and a random building which I thought looked fancy. Everything there looks like it could be taken out of Metropolis or Blade runner.

For dinner we had szechuan food. I knew it would be spicy, but wow. We only ordered things with no peppers or one pepper indicated on the menu, but…

…this is what 1 single pepper indicated on the menu. A LOT of chili. And it was really good, but my mouth was on fire. Nobody spoke English in the restaurant, so it was pretty much just point and choose. When we ordered wine, there was absolutely no pictures and no English, and knowing a little bit of Japanese kanji doesn’t help at all in this kind of situation. All the wines were Chinese, and we ended up with a pretty bad red Chinese wine, but I suppose it could have been a lot worse.

We managed to order some vegetables without any chilli though!

And this is what the food looked like after we had digged through the chili for the meat and greens. I think it is the spiciest thing I have ever ordered.