birds and sushi
Dec 24, 2011 by Sushi Bird
Category: illustration & sketches
Dec 22, 2011 by Sushi Bird
And then! Finally! Exams were all over, and so was my birthday, and I finally had time to celebrate. Which I totally did. Norwegian style (meaning consuming a substantial amount of alcohol beverages in a relative short amount of time). I had awesome food from here and here, and great wine recommendations from this guy, not to mention great company courtesy of this girl. All worth the wait, and a wonderful way to end a semester in Norway. (The fact that I was still in a way to happy mood jumping on the airplane next morning was proof that I had a grand time )
Dec 22, 2011 by Sushi Bird
I took these pictures on my birthday a week or so ago. I was busy studying for my last exam, so no birthday celebration for me. (It would have been too sad to admit that I was slaving over linguistic books ALL day on my birthday, so moving my birthday to a more suitable time and forget all about it seemed like the best strategy.) Maybe I am finally starting to look all grown up, haha.
Dec 21, 2011 by Sushi Bird
This, ladies and gentlemen, I present you, *drum roll* the only THREE winter pictures I took this year. Blame it on uni. That is what I do with everything this fall. All three of these were taken from my window with a huge zoom lens to pretend I was actually enjoying nature. There is always next year. I almost felt that christmasy feeling looking at the snow. But then the rain came along, and everything went dark again and I fell asleep over my books. (Just roll with me here and let me casually mention studying for about 2 – 3 more blog posts, and then I promise not to mention it again.)