Make something beautiful every day 27/365
Nov 10, 2011 by Sushi Bird
(Oh philosophy seminar how much time you give me to waste on other things ♥)
Nov 10, 2011 by Sushi Bird
(Oh philosophy seminar how much time you give me to waste on other things ♥)
Nov 6, 2011 by Sushi Bird
No time, so tossing stuff together in Polyvore makes me a happy camper and creates the illusion that one is being creative. I should get an award for worst blogger of the year these days. I have no excuse, except that there is too much schoolwork to get done, and too little time to waste on the internet. I am not complaining though, I love when I get into a wonderful workflow and time seems to fly by. Hope you all have a wonderful November so far!
Oct 3, 2011 by Sushi Bird
A small sketch from today. I don’t really have time to draw, but I found that doodling during philosophy lectures keeps me from falling asleep. so maybe I can produce some small things and get wiser at the same time.
Sep 19, 2011 by Sushi Bird
I haven’t drawn anything in ages, because well, I can not bring myself to sit down and just doodle when I have a million other more important things to do, but here is a small one for now.
Aug 14, 2011 by Sushi Bird
I drew this little guy for a magazine, dealing with misunderstandings when it comes to language in Japan. Probably not very funny unless you know the Japanese word for octopus 😉
Jul 30, 2011 by Sushi Bird
I got around to finish the big picture a week or so ago, but I got a bit distracted from blogging after everything that happened in Oslo. However – I have to start posting again eventually, so I thought this was a good place to start. Here are some details:
Jul 26, 2011 by Sushi Bird
It is hard. It is hard to start blogging after what happened in Norway. It seems pointless, unimportant almost, to write about my week, what I ate, post pictures from cute neighborhoods and tell you that I drank good drinks with my friends and ate sushi 3 times just because I could. At the same time, I realize that the world can not stop forever, but right now I am not sure when it will feel ok to blog about regular, mundane, every day things again. I am sure there are many people in Norway (and the rest of the world) that feels some kind of confusion or guilt right now. Am I reacting the right way? Should I cry about this even though nobody I knew was directly involved in this? Am I a bad person if I don’t cry? Can I laugh and smile and drink wine with my friends, and yet feel bad about what happened? I do believe that the answer to this is: yes. Yes you can. However you react right now, and what feelings might stir up inside you, it is the right feeling. (It doesn’t mean you should necessarily act on those feelings if they are destructive, but feeling them is not wrong.) It is what you are suppose to feel. No matter if it is anger, bitterness, sadness, numbness, chattiness or silence, happiness over everything you have or sadness over those who lost someone near to them, this is what you are suppose to feel right now. Don’t feel embarrassed about feeling too much or not feeling enough. We all react differently, and it is ok. This is what I have been doing this weekend to try to make things better, take my mind of things:
Obviously, what we do to deal with this should not be about avoiding the horrible truth and ignoring the awful things that happened, but it is about taking care of ourselves in the middle of all this, and be grateful for all the beautiful things which are still here, both around us and in us. ♥
Jul 23, 2011 by Sushi Bird
I have no words for what has happened. My thoughts go to those who are affected by this situation. It is so completely unreal to me, I am so far away at the moment, and it hurts to see little, beautiful Norway in a state like this. I wish I was articulate enough to say something useful right now, but I can not find any words. I am extremely proud of Norway’s prime minister: “We will retaliate with more democracy.”
Jul 19, 2011 by Sushi Bird
I finally finished the lines for the big picture (previous work in progress picture can be found here) , all that is left to do is to color in the background. I had originally thought about a red background to make it match the furniture, but I think it will look to dramatic, so today I went out and bought some light blue paint instead. It will be good to get it done and get it up on the wall!
Jul 18, 2011 by Sushi Bird
I’ve had so much fun playing around with the images from my new book, パリのヴィテージ (Vintage Paris). Lots of amazing textures and pretty things in that book, and a bit sweeter and more pastel colors than 花とストロベリー (Flowers and strawberries). I think 花とストロベリー is still my favorite book with all the radiant colors (some of the stock images have been used to make the layout of, but パリのヴィテージ shares a good second place together with the Dover Sea life. I used to think it was a bit silly paying for stock images when you could find so many free resources on the internet, but it is like buying a huge package of inspiration, and it has been totally worth it. I think I have close to all the books I could want right now, but I still would love a resource books with gemstones and sparkles. I haven’t seen one that I liked well enough in that category to buy yet, so tips are more than welcome!