I think Dan Ariely is one of my favorite lectures at the TED conferences. He is a behavioral economist, but his research is not dry stuff at all. In this talk Ariely uses classic visual illusions and his own counter-intuitive (and sometimes shocking) research findings to show how we’re not as rational as we think when we make decisions.
A few years ago I decided to draw a little motivational quote every single day until I eventually got really sick and tired of them, so the result is a whole lot of little cards. Some of them are quite cheesy, but I think a lot of people would run out of nifty and positive things to say after a couple of weeks. I think there is all in all 70-something cards here.
And I can not wait. This is not cherry blossoms though, but plum blossoms. I think? I am not good with botany, but they look pretty. I can not wait until all of Japan is colored pink for a couple of weeks again It is my favorite time of year
We went to find a small sake shop hidden in a back steeet, and we were promised very flesh sake.
The main reason for going out is still kind of a secret, but it involves an embassy and filling out some papers Hopefully everything will work out fine and will be ready by Tuesday. I just don’t want to jinx it by saying too much too early.
The poor flower is in pain. We decided to walk back through the park.
I found fluffy birds, so that made my day.
Look at the pretty bird map!
I have a cold and should really not go outside, but a yummy hamburger for lunch made it worth the trip
And in the evening we met up with some friends, and I forgot to take pictures of the food before it was gone. It was good though.